


作者: Lydia Chen; Ying Bia

出版社: 外文出版社

出版时间: 1988-1

价格: 16.00元

ISBN: 9787119005577



A COMMON MALADY of visitors to China is "instant illiteracy."In China,familiar signs in English are rare.Even the independent spirit soon learns that without language skills one requires hile to engage in the most basic activities.The Pocket Interpreter makes it possible for the adventurous to enjoy some rewarding experiences on their own. This handy companion begins with a brief survey of essentials to prep the new student of Chinese on forming basic sentences.Alongside the senterces are explanations about many unique aspects of China,from local snacks to Chinese Operas.Some special features are:simplified les-sons on "What You"ll Hear"and"Signs,"plus an extersive,targeted English-Chinese dictionary. In a bright,easy format with humrous drawings for popular expressions ,The Pocket Interpreter is a quick cure for language woes in China.


Contents Introduction Pronunciation Guide 1: Essentials 22 Sentence Patterns / Self-introduction / Courtesies / Key Phrases / Bridging the Gap / Emergencies What You'll Hear / Signs 2: Travel Asking for Information / Identification / Booking a Ticket / Waiting to, Board / All Aboard / Baggage Claim / Customs What You'll Hear / Slgns 3: Local Transport Getting Set / Taking a Taxi / Hiring a Car / Going by Bus / Riding the Subway / Qn Foot / Renting a Bike What You'll Hear / Signs 4: Hotel Checking In / Checking Out / Service Inquiries / Problems in the Room / Housekeeping / Laundry / Making a Phone Call / The Foreign Exchange Desk / The Post Office / Telegrams and Telexes / The Barbershop What You'll Hear / Signs 5: Friends Opening Lines / Talk About the Weather / Talk About Family / Talk About Work / Talk About Hobbies / Talk About Politics / Saying Good-bye What You'll Hear / Signs 6: Food Eating on the Run / Finding a Place to Eat /.Making Reservations / Getting a Table / Ordering / During the Meal / Ending the Meal WhatYou'llHear/Signs 7: Sightseeing Planning Your Excursion / At the Sight / At the Zoo / At the Factory / Taking a Photo What You'll Hear / Signs 8: Shopping Scouting the Market / Making the Find / Closing the Deal / Art and Antiques / Books / Clothing / Film / Returns and Repairs WhatVou'llHear/Sians 9: Entertainment Choosing a Show / Buying Tickets / Getting Seated / Asking for Background / Showing Appreciation What You'll Hear / Signs 10: Health Getting Help / Complaints / Requcsts / Questions / Taking Leave What You'll Hear / Signs English-ChineSe Dictionary Chinese-English Supplement Appehdlees A: Numbers and Quantitles Cardinal Numbers / Ordinal Numbers / Fractions / Percentagcs B: Measure Words C: Expresslons of Tlme D: Converslon Charts Measures / Temperature E: Money Chinese Currency / Foreign Currencies F: Place Names Major Administrativc Divisions / Cities of Interest G:Dynastiec H: Family Relations 1: Essentials No Verb Conjugations Where? There! Negatives Questions Measure Words Past Tense Zheige or Zhege? 2: Travel International Airlines What Kind of Plane Is This? Good, Better, Best The Best in Life Good-byes 3: Local Transport Which Way Is North? Taxi Fares Bus Numbers Riding Public Buses Bus Stops Bike Parking 4: Hotel Local Hostels Chinese Horoscope Long-distance Communications Post Offlce Tips English-language Publications Chinese-language Newspapers Tea Batteries 5: Friends Chinese Names (Psst...What'll 1 Call Him?) Chinese Idioms Seeing Off a Friend 6: Food What's for Breakfast? What's for Dinner? Local Snacks 7: Sightseeing Symbols Flowers Trees Zoo Animals 8: Shopping Cashier's Booth Special Items Buying Jade How to Bargain FEC vs. Renminbi 9: Entertainment Musical Instruments Chlnese Operas 10: Health Where Does It Hurt? Doctor, 1 Have...


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