Isracl Epstein, born in 1915 in Poland, was brought up in China and there began his jour- nalistie work, publishing also in the Unlted States and other countries. His first association with Soong Ching Ling was in 1938-45 in the wartime China Defense League In Hong Kong and Chongqing (Chungking). In 1951 she invit- ed him and his wife, the late Elsle Fairfax- Cholmeley (1905-84), to return from the Unit- ed States, where they then lived, to help set up the magazine she founded in Beijing, "China Reconstructs" (now "Chlna Today") of which, at Soong Ching Ling's death in 1981, Epstein was edltor-in-chief, havlng, in the meantime, be- come a citizen of the People's Republic. From the late 1970s, she had asked him several times to write her biography after she dled. Following retirement from the magazine, he spent several years In researching and wrlt- Ing this book which appeared on the centenary of Soong Chlng Ling's birth. Previous books by Epstein include The Peo- ple's Ww in China, London, Victor Gollancz, 1939; The Unflnished Revolutlon in China, Bos- ton, Little Brown, 1947; From Oplum War to Llberation, Beijlng, New World Prcss, 1956 with subsequent editions in 1964 and 1980 in Bei- jing and Hong Kong (by Jolnt Publlshing Co); and Tlbet Transformed, Beijing, New World Prass, 1983 Concerning Soong Ching Ling, he has pub- lished a number of articles and lectured at symposia in the United States and Japan.
CONTENTS AUTHOR'S PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A NOTE ON TRANSCRIPTION CHAPTER 1 Student in America (1908-13) CHAPTER 11 Ancestry and Background CHAPTER III Return and Marriage (1913-15) CHAPTER IV Sun Yatsen CHAPTER V To Preserve the Republic: Shanghai-Guangzhou (1916-22) CHAPTER VI Guangzhou Transformation (1923-25) CHAPTER VII From Widow to Sfandard Bearer (1925-27) CHAPTER VIII Wuhan in 1927, Watershed Year CHAPTER IX Moscow (1927-28) CHAPTER X In Berlin CHAPTER XI A Brief, Stormy Return Home (1929) CHAPTER XII Once More in Europe (1929-31) CHAPTER XIII To Save Revolutionaries, Shanghai (1931-34) CHAPTER XIV To Rally and Save the Nation, Shanghai (1935-37) CHAPTER XV War Years in Hong Kong (1937-41) CHAPTER XVI War Years in Chongqing (1941-45) CHAPTERXVII Crisis After Victory, Shanghai (1946-49) CHAPTERXVIII Building the New China (1949-66) CHAPTER XIX "Cultural Revolution" Storm (1966-76) CHAPTER XX Twilight Resurgence (1976-81) NOTES INDEX