


作者: 徐象才 编

出版社: 外文出版社

出版时间: 1998-07

价格: 150.00元

ISBN: 9787119018843



About the Chief

Editor & Translator

Mr. Xu Xiangcai was born

in 1943 in a small village on

the banks of the Yellow

River in Shandong Province.

In 1988 he created and

designed the

English - Chinese

Encyclopedia of Practical

Traditional Chinese

Medicine in 21 volumes.

While working on his

encyclopedia he compiled

and translated another

exceptionally valuable book

titled Complete External

Therapies of Chinese Drugs.

These achievements made

him one of the people who

have done the most English

translation ofTCM and

published the largest number

of English books on TCM.

Besides, he was the sponsor

of the first AIl-China

Learned Society of TCM in

English and directed the first

two all-China symposiums

ofTCM in English.

Mr. Xu is now an associate

professor at the Shandong

TCM University, the acting

deputy director of the

Society of TCM in English

Attached to the China

Association of Integrated

Traditional Chinese and

Westem Medicine and a

committee member of the

Translation Society Attached

to the China Association of

Traditional Chinese

Medicine and Pharmacy.

About the Deputy Chief


Jiang Zhaojun is a professor at

the Hospital Attached to the

Shandong TCM University. He

has worked as a surgeon for

nearly 40 years.

Du Xixian is an associate

professor at the Hospital

Attached to the Shandong TCM

University. He has worked as a

dermatologist for more than 20


Chen Guangzhen is an associate

professor at the Shandong TCM

University. He has worked as an

onhopedist for more than 30


You Ke is an instructor with a

Master's degree at the Hospital

Attached to the Shandong TCM

University. He has worked as a

physician for nearly 15 years.

Ouyang Bing is an associate

professor with a Doctor's degree

at the Shandong TCM University.

He has worked as a researcher of

TCM documents for nearly 15


Jacket design: Wang Zhi




Introduction 1. The History and Development of External Therapy with Chinese Drugs 2. Advantages of External Therapy with Chinese Drugs 3. Brief Accounts to Commonly-used Methods of External Therapy with Chinese Drugs (1)FuFa: coating the affected part with drug paste (2) Tu Fa: painting the affected part with drug paste (3) Dian Fa: point-painting body surface with paste or liquid medicine (4) Tie Fa: sticking a plaster to the skin (5) Pu Fen Fa: dusting medicinal powder on body surface (6) Fa Pao Fa: vesicating the skin with drug (7) Qi Liao Fa: coating the navel with drug (8) Chan Yao Fa: applying medicinal powder to the affected part (9) Wo Yao Fa: holding drug in hand (10)1)011 DuFa: covering the abdomen with a drug undergarment (11)ZhenFa: using a drug pillow (12)PuFa: using a drug bed (13) PeiDaiFa: wearing a drug bag on the chest (14)MoCaFa: rubbing body surface with drug (15) Yun Fa: ironing body surface with hot drug (16)Chan YaoFa: using a drug waistband (17) Yan Xun Fa: drug-smoking (18) Re Hong Fa: drug-toasting (19) Jiu Ku Dan Shao Jiu Fa: burning drug on a pressure pain point (20) Xun Xi Fa: steaming and drip-washing with drug decoction (21) Xun Zheng Fa: steaming muscles and skin with hot drug vapor (22) Yan Fa: compress with drug (23) Zuo Yao Fa: sitting on drug (24) Guan Chang Fa: enema with drug decoction (25) Han Shu Fa: gargling with drug decoction (26) Dian Yan Fa: eye-dropping (27) Qu Ti Fa: inducing sneezing (28) Bi Xiu Fa: takihg a sniff at drug (29) Qi Wu Ji Xi Ru Fa: aerosol inhalation (30) Sai Bi Fa: tucking drug into the nasal cavity (31) Sai Gang Men Fa: tucking drug into the anus (32) Sai Yin Dao Fa: tucking drug into the vagina Volume One: Surgery 1. Surgical Infection 1.1 Boil 1.2 Furunculosis 1.3 Facial furuncle 1.4 Carbuncle 1.5 Acute Phlegmon 1.6 Hand Infection 1.7 Acute Lymphangitis 1.8 Acute Lymphnoditis 1.9 Acute Pyogenic Parotitis 1.10 Infection of Umbilicus 1.11 Lymphoid Tuberculosis 1.12 Acute Appendicitis 2. Mastosis 2.1 Cracked Nipple 2.2 Acute Mastitis 2.3 Mammary Tuberculosis 2.4 Mammary Sinus 2.5 Fistula of Areola 2.6 Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands 3. Diseases of Male External Genitalia 3.1 Balanoposthitis 3.2 Induration of Penis 3.3 Hydrocle 3.4 Hematocele of Scrotum 3.5 Epididymitis 3.6 Tuberculosis of Epididymis 4. Anorectal Disorders 4.1 Hemorrhoid 4.2 Perianorectal Abscess 4.3 Anal Fissure 4.4 Proctoptoma 4.5 Perianal Pruritus 5. Other Surgical Diseases 5.1 Burn 5.2 Cold Injury 5.3 Thromboangitis Obliterans 5.4 Phlebothrombosis and Thrombophlebitis 5.5 Chronic Ulcer of Lower Limb 5.6 Bed-sore 5.7 Congenital Auricular Fistula 5.8 Cyst of Sebaceous Glands 5.9 Thecal Cyst Volume Two: Dermatology 1. Viral Dermatoses 1.1 Herpes Simplex 1.2 Herpes Zoster 1.3 Verruca Vulgaris 1.4 Flat Wart 1.5 Infectious Soft Wart 1.6 Pointed Condyloma 2. Bacterial Dermatoses 2.1 Impetigo Herpetifomis 2.2 Folliculitis 2.3 Perifolliculitis Capitis Abscedens et Suffodiens 2.4 Erysipelas 2.5 Ulcus Vulvae Acutum 2.6 Facial Miliary Lupus 3. Dermatomycoses 3.1 Porrigo 3.2 Tinea Manuum 3.3 Tinea Pedis 3.4 Tinea Unguium 3.5 Tinea Corporis 3.6 Dermatomyocosis 4. Dermatoses due to Insects 4.1 Scabies 4.2 Insect Dermatosis 4.3 Insect Sting or Insect Bite 5. Physical Dermatoses 5.1 Spring Dermatosis 5.2 Red Milium 5.3 Erythema Intertrigo 5.4 Phagades of Hand and Foot 5.5 Corn 6. Allergic Dermatoses 6.1 Contact Dermatosis 6.2 Eczema 6.3 Lactigo 6.4 Urticaria 6.5 Papular Urticaria 7. Dermatoses due to Nerve Dysfunction 7.1 Cutaneous Pruritus 7.2 Neurodermatitis 7.3 Prurigo 8. Erythroderma Desquamativum 8.1 Erythema Multiforme 8.2 Erythema Nodosum 8.3 Pityriasis Rosea 8.4 Psoriasis 8.5 Ichthyosis 9. Disorders of Cutaneous Appendages 9.1 Acne Vulgaris 9.2 Brandy Nose 9.3 Syndrome of Seborrhea 9.4 Seborrheic Dermatitis 9.5 Seborrheic Baldness 9.6 Alopecia Areata 9.7 Pompholyx 9.8 Bromhidrosis 10. Dermatoses due to Pigmentary Disturbance 10.1 Vitiligo 10.2 Chloasm 10.3 Freckle 10.4 Pigmented Mole 10.5 Keloid Volume Three: Orthopedics 1. Pyogenic Osteomyelitis 2. Bone and Joint Tuberculosis 3. Fracture 4. Traumatic Dislocation of Joint 5. Sprain of Joint 6. Lumbar Muscle Injury 7. Hypertrophic Spondylitis 8. Cervical Spondylopathy 9. Peripheral Tendinous Injury 10. Traumatic Synovitis 11. Muscular Fibrositis 12. Tenovaginitis 13. Scapulohumeral Periarthritis 14. Inflammation of Peripheral Tissue of Tendon 15. Osteochondrosis 16. Cicatricial Adhesion and Contracture 17. Traumatic Ossifying Myositis Volume Four: Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Stomatology and Dentology 1. Ophthalmic Diseases 1.1 Palpebral Diseases 1.1.1 Hordeolum 1.1.2 Chalazion 1.1.3 Blepharitis Ciliaris 1.1.4 Lid Dermatitis and Lid Eczema 1.1.5 Lid Edema 1.1.6 Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus 1.1.7 Trachoma 1.2 Canthal Diseases 1.2.1 Chronic Dacryocystitis 1.2.2 Acute Dacryocystitis 1.3 Diseases of the White of the Eye 1.3.1 Acute Catarrhal Conjunctivitis 1.3.2 Episcleritis 1.4 Disease of the Black of the Eye 1.4.1 Herpes Simplex Karatitis 2. Diseases of Departments of Otorhinolaryngology. Stomatology and Dentology 2.1 Otopathy 2.1.1 Inflammation and Furuncle of External Auditory Canal 2.1.2 Eczema of External Auditory Canal 2.1.3 Otitis Media Suppurativa 2.2 Rhinopathy 2.2.1 Chronic Rhinitis 2.2.2 Suppurative Nasal Sinusitis 2.3 Pharyngolaryngeal Diseases 2.3.1 Acute Tonsillitis, Acute Pharyngitis and Acute Laryngitis 2.4 Stomatopathy and Odontopathy 2.4.1 Aphtha 2.4.2 Toothache Volume Five: Medicine, Gynecology and Pediatrics 1. Medical Diseases 1.1 Diseases of the Respiratory System 1.1.1 Bronchitis 1.1.2 Bronchial Asthma 1.1.3 Pneumococcus Pneumonia 1.1.4 Pleuritis 1.2 Diseases of the Digestive System 1.2.1 Stomach-ache 1.2.2 Gastroptosia 1.2.3 Vomiting 1.2.4 Diarrhea 1.2.5 Constipation 1.2.6 Cirrhosis 1.3 Diseases of the Circulatory System 1.3.1 Hypertension 1.3.2 Angina Pectoris 1.4 Diseases of the Urinary System 1.4.1 Cystitis 1.4.2 Uroschesi 1.4.3 Acute Nephritis 1.5 Infectious Diseases 1.5.1 Influenza 1.5.2 Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1.5.3 Virus Hepatitis 1.5.4 Bacterial Dysentery 1.5.5 Amebic Dysentery 1.6 Disease of the Nervous System 1.6.1 Facial Neuritis 2. Gynecologic Diseases 2.1 Vaginitis 2.1.1 Trichomonal Vaginitis 2.1.2 Colpomycosis 2.1.3 Senile Vaginitis 2.2 Chronic Cervicitis 2.3 Pruritus of Vulva 2.4 Pathologic Change due to Dystrophy of Vulva 2.5 Pelvic Inflammation 2.6 Hysteroptosis 2.7 Dysmenorrhea 3. Pediatric Diseases 3.1 Acute Infection of the Upper Respiratory Tract 3.2 Acute Bronchitis 3.3 Bronchopneumonia 3.4 Infantile Diarrhea 3.5 Slobbering 3.6 Enuresis Appendix One: Commonly-used Acupoints Appendix Two: Attached Prescriptions Appendix Three: The List of Main Reference Books


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