


作者: 张承钧,等

出版社: 外文出版社

出版时间: 1995-01

价格: 80.00

ISBN: 9787119017396

页数: 132 页



《中国抗日战争画史(英文)》内容简介:The anti-Fascist war between the 1930s and 1940s was the first just war of a global scale in human history.It ended in the Axis'uncondi- tional surrender in 1945.50 years ago.Over two billion people in Europe,Asia。Africa and Oceania(exceeding four-fifths of the world population at that time)were involved in the war.People who had experienced that unheard-Of calamity will never forget those days when flames of battle raged everywhere. China was the first country to fight the Fasclst aggressor.experiencing the longest per- iod Of struggle.and SUffering great sacrifices and heavy losses.An important part of the international anti-Fascist war.the Chinese peo- pie's War Of Resistance Against Japan was closely bound up with it. People will never forget August 15.1945. the date on which the Japanese government issued a note to the Allied countries.announc- ing its unconditional surrender.Japanese mili- tarism.the NO.2 war criminal in World War II,collapsed.The Chinese people won the finaJ victory in the anti-Japanese national liberation war through their bitter struggles.


CONTENTS Japan's Preparations for Large-Scale Invasion of China The Fall of the Three Northeast Provinces North China Is in Imminent Danger The Flames of the War of Resistance Against Japan Is Kindled at Lugouqiao Defensive Stage in the War of Resistance The Eighth Route Army and New Fourth Army Boldly Attack Behind Enemy Lines Establishment of Puppet Regime Guerrilla Warfare Behind Enemy Lines Changeable International Situation Stalemate Stage in the War of Resistance Outbreak of the Pacific War Anti-"Mopping-Up" Operations in Anti-Japanese Base Areas Stalemate on the Frontline Battlefield Chinese Army and People in Base Areas Turn from Defensive to Offensive Late Period of the War of Resistance The World's Victory Against Fascists Final Victory of the Anti-Japanese War Acceptance of Surrender and Trial of War Criminals Sino-Japanese Friendship-No More War Between the Two Countries Appendix: A Chronology of Events


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