内容提要 本书选材都来自国外原版书刊,按照我国中学英语教材的水平,适 当节选或改写,并作了生词注释和全文翻译。其题材包括名人故事、著 名童话、人和自然、社会和文化、智力游戏和字谜等。文字简洁、生动,比 较浅显易懂。本书对于配合外语教学方法改革,适应由应试教育转向素 质教育的需要,是有益的。
Contents Unit l Famous Persons and Their Stories 1. The Childhood of Albert Einstein 2. Benjamin Franklin 3. George Washington Unit 2 Famous Fairy Tales 4. The Sleeping Beauty 5. The Fisherman and His Wife 6. As Rich as Croesus Unit 3 People and Nature 7. Desert Traveler 8. The Eskimo 9. New Ways with Old Plants 10. Blizzard 11. Air Disasters 12. Searching for the Titanic Unit 4 Society and Culture 13. Help fortheNeedy 14. Miserable Life of Young Black Men in the U. S. l5. The Marathon 16. Hungry People in the World 17. Population Growth----Our Endangered Planet 18. Coming to America----The Story of Immigration 19. A Volunteer Firefighter's Spirit 20. Pioneer Unit 5 Puzzles and Crosswords 21.Cutting the Pie 22.Setting theTable 23.Partsof the Body